Family Experience

The KiBaLa at the DB Museum Nuremberg
Although we love the outdoors, when the weather is bad, we are always drawn to a certain museum - to the Deutsche Bahn Museum, especially to the KIBALA, short for Kinderbahnland.
The KIBALA can be found on the second floor of the Deutsche Bahn Museum. For children over the age of 2, here are really a lot of activities.
The first attraction is always the childrens' railway which drives through the whole museum floor. After the ride, there is always loads to explore; different jackets and caps, vests and helmets to try on and transform your child into either little train attendants or construction workers. In addition, children get to know the job of a conductor and the differences between diesel, steam and electric locomotives.
Children can use a driving simulator to steer an ICE train, fire up a steam locomotive, learn to make signals, sit in historical train wagons and so much more.
At the far rear end of this section of the museum, there is a large area with wooden trains and Playmobil toys. Here your children can play and paint as much as their hearts desire.
I have been to the museum many times, but there is always something new to discover and learn for me as well.

Further information
Lessingstraße 6
90443 Nuremberg