Long Night of Sciences
Long night of science Nuremberg

For all science fans!

A night for every sience enthustiast 

Science for Adults and Kids

You are into natural phenomenon, scientific experiments and knowledge? In that case the Long Night of Science is just the right event for you!

Under the motto "Science at our fingertips" there is something for both adults and children; an opportunity to gather more knowledge. Universities, research laboratories, companies and factories are anxiously awaiting curious visitors. You can enjoy natural sciences and technology, medicine and health, as well as social sciences. Interested visitors can assure visit 7 universities in 3 cities and take a look at the research projects of bigger companies. Additional buses will offer simple transportation between all the different viewing locations. 


25. October 2025

Organized by Kulturidee GmbH

Information available at: https://www.nacht-der-wissenschaften.de/